Pixelator firmware Release-notes 26 July 2020 (revb only) -Introduction of a 'Lock Unit' feature to enhance web security allowing the web server to be fully disabled to stop remote access to the device - enable and disable this mode using the LCD menu - (ICSA-20-177-01). 4th Feb 2020 (1060) (revb only) -Fixed KiNET bugs -UI update: Removed activate button within profile editor 7 Nov 2019 (909) (revb only) -Minor change to remove UM on UI 30 Oct 2019 (899) (revb only) - enables stream auditor licenese - enables full universe control for 8bit protocols - implements UCS8903, UCS8904 and sPXL protocols - improves ArtSync performance 5 Mar 2019 (revB only) - let users delete read-only profiles - block certain scripts to run while having password protection mode 28 Feb 2019 (revB only) - Pixelator: Added sACN CID to Profile - Storm: Added sACN CID to Profile - Fix: NaN ArtNet combined Universe - Fix: Pixelator Plink Grouping not allowing to group over 255 pixels together 28 Feb 2019 (revA only) - fix: file open issue that made the engine restart 13 Nov 2018 - Fix (revB): file open issue that made the engine restart 27 Feb 2018 - TM1814 support added to Pixleator revB only 4 Oct 2017 - New (revB): DHCP mode supports Fallback to static IP address (on startup) - active by default - Fix (revB): DHCP Failure, no longer locks out changing IP address. - Fix (revB): U-boot updated to fix a random boot failure (LCD stuck on ENTTEC) - New (revB): U-boot version now shown on Home-page June 2017 - Fix: output using 12V Pixel Tape was causing random flickers May 2017 - Fix: Notes and Plink in the same profile caused mapping issues. April 2017 - Fix: LCD menu didn't allow changing some settings - minor bug fixes Jan 2017 - New: Art-Sync support enabled. (4 second idle timeout applies) - New: 9PDOT protocol support added (Pixelator revB units only) - New: Clock module has "always" option to continously update the output, regardless of changes. - Fix: IP Address changes are now reflected properly in Poll replies. - Fix: Backup/Restore between revA and revB units (both should be on this latest firmware) - Fix: Clock module, now correctly updates the ouput on Synced Stream receive. Nov 2016 - Smart copy feature added to profiles page (shift universe, and change Pixel ordering, while copying profiles) - Art-Net 3 supported. To change Art-Net 3 Net address, please use Settings page. Combined universe shown in profile editor for simplicity. - sACN Universe limit increased to 999. - revB units supported with this firmware. - revB units allow Fan control from Settings page (no password needed) - revB updated IO Firmware to v3.3 - minor bug fixes March 2016 - adds support for RGBW Modes for PLink outputs (Ordering). - RGB modes use 3 DMX Slot per LED Pixel. - RGBW modes use 4 DMX Slot per LED Pixel. - adds RGBW option to DMX Generator Grid - minor bug fixes Oct 2014 - includes a new led driver - attempts to re-initialize the port to prevent output freezing - profile-editor update: Art-Net module without IP-address (since it's input only) - minor bug fixes